Monday, November 3, 2008


So Shaylee for some reason had to be a fire fighter for Halloween. I am not sure where she go the idea but if that is what she wants to be that is fine with me. We went trick-or-treating in Melanie's new neighborhood after eating dinner at Sizzler and visiting Celeste.
Shaylee was too funny she would run to the door and pound on it as hard as she could and yell at the top of her lungs "TRICK-OR-TREAT" the people who lived there would come to the door and be surprised that such a little girl could knock so hard. She totally loved it.
Thank you Celeste for the awesome treat bags. Shaylee loves the little coloring book and crayons.
Thanks to Mel for letting us come and trick-or-treat in her neighborhood. It was fun and Shaylee especially had a blast!


Anonymous said...

I love that she dressed up as a fire fighter! She is soooo cute. We miss you guys so much!

Sinnyn and Lan said...

cuteness, its awesome she wanted to be a fire fighter. she made a darn good one too.